Background Shapes and Colors
Edge Wear
Generated Stickers on Wall Material Turntable
Demo in Substance Player, shows image input function
This generator was made to take an input image, and give you the tools to make a sticker that can be put on props or in environments for games with all the PBR maps done for you. There are options that will make creating a large variety of stickers with varying wear levels with any input image quick and easy.
I came to this idea after wanting to work on a larger Substance Designer project, and thinking of issues I've had in prop creation previously that could be solved with a tool like this. Now if you or the team you're on has created some cool logos or image assets you can plug it in, and in minutes have a fully custom world worn sticker to place onto a prop in Substance Painter, or make alpha cards in Substance Player.
If this looks like something you want to use in production, or to play around you can buy it here: